Global Mission
Participating in God’s Ongoing Mission
A global community in which all know God's love and express that love to one another.
God has a mission, and we are all called to participate. God’s mission is everywhere, at all times, with all people. In our Global Mission ministry area of FPC, we believe that wherever we go, God is already there. When God calls us to travel to visit our Christian family around the world, God is there. When God calls our partner congregations to send people to visit us in Atlanta, God is there. When God calls us to walk alongside resettled refugees, international students, children from around the world needing surgery, and international medical professionals right here in Atlanta, God is there with us.
So we practice global mission in long-term partnership, walking alongside our Christian family in particular places as they engage in ministries that uplift their local community. We visit and receive as guests partners with whom our congregation has been in relationship over the course of anywhere between seven and 30 years. We strive for mutuality, not only listening to our partners’ needs and discerning with them where we might contribute, but also sharing worship, fellowship, and prayer together.
When we travel, we worship, fellowship, and pray with one another, witnessing what God is doing in and through our partners. When we return home, we share that good news with our congregation and community. When we are not traveling, we meet our partners for online video meetings and Bible studies, communicate via email and WhatsApp, and respond to our partners’ financial requests in accordance with the covenants we have with them. Whether we travel, receive guests, or meet online, we see the ministries God has allowed to take shape as the result of our work together, and we give thanks to God for the opportunity to participate in God’s global mission.
Our Partner Churches
We have partner churches in Brazil, Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, and Kenya. We also partner with four organizations in Atlanta that minister to resettled refugees, international students, international medical professionals, and children from around the world needing surgeries. In partnership, we walk with and stand for one another.
Since 2002, FPC has engaged in long-term mission partnerships in the Northeast of Brazil. Currently, we work in God’s mission alongside two congregations of the Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil (IPIB) in Fortaleza:
IPI Messejana
Located in the Fortaleza neighborhood of Messejana, this congregation has a vibrant youth and 20s/30s ministry. God has called us to focus mission efforts on the following:
working toward better living conditions and educational opportunities through IPI Messejana’s after- school enrichment program;
creating opportunities for worship, fellowship, and spreading the Gospel through acts of peace and social justice;
hosting online meetings of the youth and young adult groups from each partner congregation;
arranging yearly visits to Atlanta or Fortaleza, with special emphasis on deepening relationships between our youth and young adults.
Visit IPI Messejana’s Instagram here.
IPI Pirambu
Located in the Fortaleza neighborhood of Pirambu, this small congregation expresses God’s love through an after-school tutoring and enrichment program for children and youth. Our partnership engages in God’s mission through:
supporting the after-school program’s ballet, music, and tutoring ministries, especially through the leadership of the teachers and church elders;
mutual visits focused on table fellowship, worship, and Bible study.
Visit IPI Pirambu’s Facebook page here.
With the Southern Regional Mission Council of the United Church of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands (UCJCI), we celebrate a youth partnership that includes Hillside Presbyterian Church in Decatur, GA. In 2018, youth from FPC, HPC, and the UCJCI gathered in Spalding, Jamaica, to engage in a week of Bible study, worship, and work at the Mt. Olivet Boys’ home. FPC supports the boys’ home by contributing funds for the boys’ back-to-school bundle, which includes new shoes, a uniform, school supplies, books, transportation, and school lunches.
To learn more about the UCJCI’s ministries, visit ucjci.com.
Ste. Croix School and La Gonâve Haiti Partners
For more than 30 years, FPC has supported the people on the island of La Gonâve, Haiti, through the ministries of the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti. With the collaboration of La Gonâve Haiti Partners, a 501(c)(3) consortium of sponsoring U.S. congregations, we support the following ministries in the town of Nouvelle Cité:
Education – teacher salaries, student books, uniforms, and supplies, school lunches; adult literacy program
Healthcare – Bill Rice Clinic, which provides basic healthcare, as well as pre- and post-natal mobile clinics throughout the island Water – special buckets and solution to clean water for drinking and cooking
Economic empowerment – microfinance program for people desiring to start a market stall
To learn more, visit lagonavepartners.org.
IPRC Ricardo Jorge, Perico
The Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba (IPRC), established in 1890, and the Presbyterian Church (USA) have engaged in mutual mission partnership since the Cuban denomination became a solely Cuban-run institution in 1967. Our congregation’s mission partners are the IPRC Ricardo Jorge in the town of Perico. Our mutual mission work centers on the following:
Meals for seniors – IPRC Ricardo Jorge participates in the denominational effort to ensure that seniors in their community who do not have local relatives or caretakers get enough to eat. The church runs a chicken coop, raises rabbits, and grows produce in its compound to feed the community.
Clean water – IPRC has a Living Waters for the World water filtration system that provides clean water to the whole town.
Worship, fellowship, and connections – When we visit our partners, we worship together, share meals together, and even take a bus with the congregation to the beach for a day of fellowship. When we are apart, we communicate through WhatsApp, email, and Facebook.
FPC participates in the Cuba Partners Network.
Since the early 1990s, FPC has engaged in God’s mission alongside many different organizations and individuals in Kenya. Currently, we celebrate long-term mission partnerships with two ministries:
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
For more than 25 years, FPC has partnered with St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Nairobi. St. Andrew’s is part of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA). Currently, our engagement with the congregation of St. Andrew’s focuses on the following:
Mutual visits – St. Andrew’s members visit us in Atlanta, and we visit them in Nairobi each year travel is possible. Visits include worship and table fellowship.
Children’s ministry – financial support of Tumaini, a home for girls, and Hawa, a home for boys and community school
Visit St. Andrew’s webpage to learn more: pceastandrews.org.
Mt. Kenya Academy
FPC also supports the social outreach efforts of the Mt. Kenya Academy (MKA) in Nyeri, Kenya, including the following:
Micro-loans – Students from MKA provide bookkeeping support and mentoring for women in the nearby towns of Chaka and Kirathima who receive micro-loans to establish and maintain businesses such as raising livestock, market stalls, hair salons, and small restaurants. The women participating in the program are members of the PCEA congregations in Chaka and Kirathima.
Scholarship – FPC also supports an annual scholarship for a financially disadvantaged student to attend MKA.
To know more about MKA, visit mtkenyaacademy.ac.ke.
Mission Market
Mission Market is an alternative giving opportunity through FPC’s Global Mission ministry and Community Ministries. We maintain long-term global partnerships with church congregations and their ministries throughout the world, as well as a long-standing ministry program to disadvantaged people in Atlanta. Monies received in Mission Market go directly to these ministries.
Make a donation, or give in honor or in memory of someone today.